Friday, September 4, 2009

An Introduction to Anti Aging Products

Anti aging products are made to make people look and feel young. They are generally designed with one goal in mind -- to slow the aging process. They are becoming increasingly popular as each day passes, and this should wake you up and let you know that it has actually worked for many people. They are mostly divided into two classes: oral products such as vitamins, minerals, and other food supplements; and topical treatments such as skin creams.

Skin is the most sensitive part of the human body and enhances the beauty and the personality of individuals. Skin ages because of exposure to sunlight and because of decreased hormones in the body. Skin care products containing natural ingredients may cost a little more than bargain products, but the benefit to your skin is well worth the extra expense.

Topical products that fall under the category of anti aging include creams, moisturizers, scalp treatments, soaps, sun screen products, products to sooth aching body parts, and any other product that is applied externally. Many other cultures, such as China and India, have also developed traditions of using herbs, health practices and foods that act to slow the aging process.

The difference between topical and ingested products lies in the way the product is delivered to the body. But many women can be overwhelmed when it comes to figuring out a good anti aging skin regimen. For example, finding a product for oily skin can be difficult since most anti aging products are designed for dry and mature skin.

Article Source:George_Preston

Maqui Berry is Earth's Newest and Most Powerful Super Fruit

No food on the planet has a higher antioxidant level than the Maqui Berry. But why does this matter? It comes down to antioxidants. Antioxidants are molecules that prevent oxidation in other molecules in the body. Oxidation can create free radicals which lead to chain reactions in the human body that result in cell damage. The presence of antioxidants in the body can inhibit these chain reactions by disrupting the formation of free radicals and oxidation. Elevating the level of antioxidants in body can help fight cell damage.

In the past few years, the Acai Berry has held the title of "super fruit" and there's no question that it provides a number of substances including antioxidants that benefit health. However, when it comes to antioxidant levels, the Maqui Berry reigns supreme. It contains more than twice the level of antioxidants found in the Acai Berry with an ORAC level of 2,500. ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) is a standard of measurement to determine the level of antioxidants in a food substance. No other source of antioxidants comes even close to that of the Maqui Berry.

The berry was first discovered in the forests of the Patagonian region of Chile. The Mapuche tribe, native to the region has recognized the healing value of this plant for centuries. The scientists who made the discovery in the Patagonian forests were amazed at the antioxidant-rich properties of this new "super fruit." The small berry resembles the blueberry and has a nearly black color. The color is significant. The blue-black pigment is the result of an extremely high level of anthocyanins, an antioxidant.

The Maqui Berry's antioxidant properties can be a powerful catalyst to improved health and weight loss. Its ability to neutralize free radicals and cell damage provide ant-aging benefits that will lead to stronger, healthier skin and hair. Its ability to eliminate toxins in the body has shown to be a powerful ingredient in the acceleration of weight loss.

Antioxidants are also considered an important component to fight heart disease and the onset of Alzheimer's disease. The Maqui Berry anti-inflammatory properties are also a benefit to those who suffer from inflammation of the bones and joints.

Nutritional Living has called the Maqui Berry "the Best Known Strategy for Healthy Aging," but not all Maqui Berry supplements are created equal. While this super food is a relatively new phenomenon, shady manufacturers are already producing supplements that contain little of the Maqui Berry, instead substituting fillers like corn starch. Do your homework and look for a North American supplier that advertises the contents of the supplement on their labels.

Many of these suppliers offer a free trial and a 30-day money-back guarantee. Consider what you're doing today to promote your own health and fight the ravages of age. The Maqui Berry's antioxidant power could be the answer to a healthier, stronger mind and body.

Rob Mabry is a former military journalist, screenwriter and technologist living in San Antonio.

Did you find this information on the Maqui Berry useful? Here's a great place to find out even more about how you can transform your body through the power of the Maqui Berry.

Article Source:Rob_Mabry

Best Anti Aging Skin Care Product For Women Over 30

There are sure countless of anti aging skin care creams in the market that are supposed to work, but there is a big problem with most of them, some are not clinically proven, some just cover up wrinkles, others cause side effects and some don't even work.

Natural Anti Aging Skin Care Products

But nowadays people are starting to realize that the really powerful and effective anti aging creams are the ones that are made of organic ingredients and that are safe to use on any type of skin. Many women are changing to natural products and are throwing away their artificial creams with chemical ingredients that cause side effects.

Some of the most popular creams in the market are made with chemical substances like mineral oil, artificial fragrances, alcohol, parabens and other ingredients that are unhealthy for your skin.

But there are some natural anti aging ingredients that have been clinically proven to revert the effects of aging by increasing collagen and elastin in the skin.

CynergyTk is a breakthrough in skin care and is the secret of many celebrities, this natural compound contain functional keratin which stimulates the skin to produce new collagen and elastin in the skin. The fact is that other products dont work because they include collagen in their creams, but collagen molecules cant penetrate the skin tissue, thus is worthless.

Anti oxidants are also a very important part of any anti aging cream, even though there are vitamin C and others are powerful anti oxidants, CoenzymeQ10 is one of the most effective in destroying free radicals and moisturing the skin.

Another important factor is your hyaluronic acid, as we age it decreases so our skin becomes dull, but you can increase your hyaluronic acid with the natural compound Phytessence Wakame.

Those are just a few powerful natural ingredients that conform the best anti aging product from, however there are other important natural ingredients like vitamin c, avocado extract, grape seed oil, water and others.

Click Here to Discover the Breakthrough Natural Anti Aging Creams that are changing lifes. If you have unwanted wrinkles, fine lines, and damaged skin visit the Best Anti Aging Creams to discover the shocking truth that now one else wants to expose.

Article Source: Jane_Clay_R.

Discover How to Keep Skin Young Looking - Natural Substances For Healthy Skin

It's only natural to want your complexion to stay young and radiant looking, but the years of exposure to the sun and just the natural aging process work against this. If you really want to know how to keep skin young looking, you will need to be caring for it with some of the natural, gentle creams and lotions that have the ability to provide the nutrients that it requires to remain healthy.

Keeping skin young and healthy looking cannot be accomplished by the typical skin creams that you find at your corner drugstore. Most of those products contain unhealthy ingredients such as mineral oil and alcohol, both of which actually speed up the aging process.

Mineral oil, a byproduct of the petroleum industry will at first seem to have a pleasant softening effect on the skin. However, at the same time it clogs the pores and in the long run will lead to premature wrinkles. The problem with alcohol is that it strips the skin of the protective natural moisturizers that keep it healthy. This drying effect will also lead to wrinkles showing up in the skin.

The best way to keep the skin looking its best is to use only products that contain natural ingredients. Moisturizers such as avocado oil and jojoba oil are great. Also keep your eyes open for some of the powerful anti aging ingredients that are now available. Ingredients such as Cynergy TK and Nano-Lipobelle H Q10 restore a youthful appearance of the skin by building collagen levels and fighting the effects of free radicals.

Laboratory and clinical studies on Cynergy TK have shown that it reduces wrinkles substantially by increasing the production of collagen and elastin in the skin. Nano-Lipobelle H Q10 helps scour out free radicals that actually damage the skin cells, leaving it brighter and healthier.

As you seek to learn how to keep skin young looking, it is essential to use products that contain these types of effective ingredients that come from nature. Avoid anything that has chemicals added to it. Even chemical preservatives can be harmful to the health of your skin and body.

Visit my website to learn about other substances found in nature that have been proven to keep the skin healthy and young looking.
Eileen Tobin has been researching natural skin care for more than eight years.

Article Source:Eileen_Tobin

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Pure Water Comparison - Distilled Water Versus Deionized Water

As we become more aware of the importance of water purification, we hear terms such as distilled water and deionized water. We know that both of them are purified water but we may not know their exact difference. We just know that they are freed from elements that contaminate water.

As you might already be aware of, the water that comes out of your faucet passes through a long line of pipes before it reaches your home. As a result, it may carry unwanted substances and contaminants. Thus, much importance is given to water purification. There are various methods used to purify water, so even though water is water, which contains two molecules of hydrogen and one molecule of oxygen, there are different forms of purified water.

Two of the most common forms of purified water are deionized and distilled water. Now, let us take a look at how they differ.

Distilled water is a product of distillation, which is a process where water is boiled and the steam is condensed into a clean container, with most of the solid contaminants left behind. The process also kills and removes bacteria, viruses, heavy metals, and inorganics.

Distilled drinking water may not be new to you as you can find them in supermarkets sold in bottles. This form of purified water also proves to be very helpful for those people living in seaside areas where there is not enough fresh water. Since distilled water is often used for drinking, there are debates whether it is really good for the body. There are contentions that it draws minerals from the body and that one of its effects is teeth deterioration. Whether it is good or not for drinking, it is an ongoing debate. What we need to do in our part is to make ourselves informed.

Deionized water, on the other hand, is the product of deionization. Through this method, raw water is exposed to electrically charged resins that attract and bind the salts. As a result, mineral ions such as sodium, calcium, iron, copper, chloride, and bromide are removed.

This form of pure water is not commonly used for drinking, though. One of its common uses is in sterilizing laboratory equipment. It is also used in laboratory testing as it has been freed of chemicals that may affect test results. It likewise functions as battery water; minerals ions that tend reduce the lifespan of batteries have been removed. Also included in its practical uses is in washing cars and windows and it is because it does not leave water spots in cars and windows.

Other examples of water purification techniques include carbon filtering, where the absorption capacity of carbon is enhanced by adding a slightly positive electrical charge. When the water passes over the activated carbon, the negative ions of the contaminants are drawn to the surface of the carbon granules. These contaminants are then removed from the water. Another technique is reverse osmosis, where water is allowed to pass through a semi-permeable membrane, thus trapping the contaminants in the tiny pores of the membrane. Other methods of purifying water are ultraviolet water purification, water conditioning, and plumbo-solvency reduction.

Water is a basic need, so importance must be given to make it safer to use. Some people may consider the use of pure water as a luxury, but if we take a good look at it, it actually isn't. Making use of high quality water for our health and for other purposes is not about money. What is it to spend a little bit more when it means safer water to drink and cleaner windows?

Jo is a writer for '', a reputable UK stationed high quality water supplier for over thirty years, serving products like deionized water and demineralised water to an extensive variety of customers in UK, Europe and all over the world. If you have a high quality laser cutting water requirement then take a look at

Article Source: Jo_Alelsto

Jo Alelsto - EzineArticles Expert Author

How to Remove Chloramine From Water

If you want to effectively remove chloramine from water, there are not many options open to you, despite many companies claiming their products can! It is extremely hard to remove, so here are some tips to help you find the best method.

This toxic mix of ammonia and chlorine is the toxin of choice these days, with 1 in 5 Americans exposed to it, and more municipal treatments changing over each year. The attraction seems to be that it can stay in the water for longer, and therefore it can clean for longer too, but this causes more problems, making it vital to remove chloramine from water effectively.

One of the main problems of it being in the supplies for longer is that it leeches lead from pipes and fittings, even household brass ones, so you need to remove lead effectively as well as it can cause cancer amongst other things.

This also means that you will need to change your household plumbing more often as it corrodes pipes much quicker, a cost passed onto you from your municipal treatments plant.

Chloramine cannot be removed from water by boiling, distilling or reverse osmosis, which at least helps to narrow your options! Beware of any company trying to sell you one of these as they simply don't work.

The best method, and recommended by the US EPA, is an activated carbon block system. The very best will use a twin or multi-stage process with sub micron filtering and ion exchange for the best results. These can remove chloramine from water at a rate of 99.9%, and also the same removal rate for lead, pesticides, prescription drugs and all the other contaminants.

The result is not only safe pure healthy water that actually tastes great, but the fact that you have your peace of mind back, with no more worrying about any health implications for you or your family.

Visit my website today to learn more about the systems I recommend to remove chloramine from water after my own extensive research.

Discover the best way to remove chloramine from water today.

Ray Hamilton is a dedicated advocate and researcher of the incredible benefits of safe, clean healthy water. Discover which products Ray recommends after extensive research.

Article Source:Raymond_Hamilton

Raymond Hamilton - EzineArticles Expert Author

Learn About Water Quality Before You Buy Cuno Water Filters

I don't know about you, but I believe that anyone making a decision should have some knowledge about what they are going to do and some background information on the subject so that they can make a good informed decision. I hope to give some good information that you can use in making your decision on buying a water filter.

I want to make sure you are aware that there are some interesting things that have been found in drinking water systems across the country. When I started doing my research on this subject, I thought that there were not that many contaminants found in water. It did not take long for me to learn that there have been over 2,100 toxic chemicals that have been found in drinking water.

The names of many of these contaminants can be familiar. Names like benzene, Atrazine, alachlor, chlorine, and lead are just a few. And you can look these up on the internet and get the MSDS to see how harmful these can be on the human body.

There are a lot of different companies that offer filtered water of some kind. I found that many of the companies cannot remove all the contaminants that are being found in drinking water. I also found out that the prices on these systems can only be described as insane. 750 dollars for a system that is less effective than a 100 dollar system makes me wonder who would buy something like this.

We are all feeling the pinch with the global economy the way it is, but I know that for my family that 750 dollars is way outside our budget for something like this. In fact, I planned for about 100 dollars with a maximum of 200 dollars. I think I found the best system on the market and because it was within my budget I was able to get a second system that is for my shower.

I hope this information helps you make a better decision on which water filtration system you are going to buy for your family. Click here to see what system I found and have been using in our home for awhile now.

Carolyn is a passionate researcher and long time user of water and health care products to achieve a better quality of life. Visit her website to learn more about the products she uses.

Article Source:Carolyn_Peterson

Carolyn Peterson - EzineArticles Expert Author