Thursday, December 31, 2009

How to Reverse Diabetes & Signs of Diabetes?

There are more than 20 million individuals alone in United States of America that are suffering from diabetes. The figure includes children, women and men of all age groups. The growth rate of diagnosed cases of diabetes has always been highest in America when compared with the rest of the world. The most common question that arises in the mind of most diabetics no matter of any region is "can diabetes be reversed?"; the question is still unanswered. Are there any traditional or even untraditional methods of trying the diabetes reversal?

Various thins have long been tested and tried

Executive Director of IBC (International Bison Cooperative) Mike Fox has pointed out that consumption of elk had decreased the rate of diagnosis of diabetes in many Indian American Tribes. Even more good news is that tribes who resorted bison herbs and incorporated in their diet as meat have the diabetic cases even under 1 %. Some tribes like South Dakota Group have been working with elks since past 15 years.

More conclusive studies are still required in this regard. One can keep his fingers cross to see weather the elk treatment of any sort could be applied on this growing population of diabetes. At present however some traditional ways can be applied for controlling the level of blood sugar.

* Eliminate the consumption of grains and refined sugars completely
* Get rid of anti depressant medicines
* Increase the consumption of plant based fats
* Take the nutritional products that supplies minerals and vitamins in natural form
* Control the level of blood sugar with the help of herbs and spices
* Increase physical activity

The most critical point here is that diabetes is reversible. One can control the level of blood sugar with the help of diet, insulin and medications.

Assistant Professor of Bioengineering of California University, Jiayu Liao has discovered a molecule. This molecule can control the diabetes and termed BOC5. It stimulates the production of insulin in response to high sugar levels in blood whereby reducing the body weight by 20 %.

This provides a future gateway to the insulin that is currently being used for diabetes control.

The bottom line however is that the coming years will definitely come up with effective ways of controlling and eventually reversing diabetes. A little bit of research and effort every day is the best way to start controlling and reversing right from today. This is also true that treatment that was effective for your pal or class fellow may or may not be effective for you; so your own research is required.

Learn more about the details of each Diabetic symptom and learn the tips to deal with them by visiting Signs Of Diabetes I have mentioned here tips and tricks with the help of which I have said "good-bye" to Signs of Diabetes; so you can do the same.


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