Monday, August 31, 2009

How to Enlarge the Penis to 9" Using Natural Techniques & Exercises

If you're one of the millions of men that wants to enlarge the size of their penis, but do not want to gamble the risky side effects of pills and surgery, there is another solution. Surgery and pills are dangerous, expensive, and simply not worth it! If you want a harder, thicker, and longer penis without the threat of your health and safety-increase the size of your penis in the comfort of your own home! There are several exercises you can do to naturally add girth to your manhood in just minutes a day.

Before we get into any of the aforementioned exercises, I have to mention one other important factor that heavily impacts a man's ability to increase the size of his penis. Although it may seem trivial, your diet is extremely important if you want to enlarge your manhood. Eating 4-6 small, nutritious meals a day along with a daily vitamin is crucial to maintaining a healthy diet.

Your penis is packed full of little receptors that are incredibly sensitive to touch. If you want to see big results, try these stretches for 15-20 minutes a day to see a harder, thicker, and enlarged penis in just a couple weeks.

Basic Stretching- Because of all the highly sensitive receptors in your penis, the best thing you can do is stretch your penis. While it is in a flaccid state, start at the base and slowly stretch up to the tip. Do this in every direction for 15-20 minutes a day.

Continue this sort of stretching for a couple weeks and you will notice the incredible and NATURAL results in no time. Just because you may not have a big penis now, doesn't mean you cannot change that!

We all know that having a larger penis can be great for your self-confidence and the quality of your sex life, however, use extreme care in selecting any unnatural means of enhancement. Surgery, pills, and pumps can have extreme side effects - including impotence and even death.

If you would like to enlarge your penis to 9" or more, here is my personal recommendation: Get A Thicker & Longer Penis

Jerry Jones is an Ezine Expert Author­­ in the fields of sexual function and anatomy and has over 1,000,000 published article views.

Article Source: Jerry_Jones

Here's How You Grow an Extraordinary Penis Size (Try This at Home and Get a Colossal 9" Penis!)

Need a quick fix to your small penis size? If you're reading this article, you probably wish you were bigger where your penis size is concerned, and can't wait to end your small-size anxieties. While there is a whole myriad of male enhancement products out there that promise to make you bigger, the simple truth is that none of them work.

So is there an enlargement strategy that really work?

Male enhancement exercises is ONE strategy that is highly effective in improving your penis size. But like any regular exercise routine, you should not expect instant results. Nothing happens by accident. You still need to put in the time and effort to yield exceptional gains though simple exercises.

What exercise techniques are great for small men?

Well, a lot depends on where you want to grow "anatomically". There are specific, targeted techniques to help you in specific growth, for example your penis length and/or girth. If you need more help in adding length, jelqing one proven technique to achieve that. If a thicker penis is what you want, pc elevation or kegel are 2 recommended workouts that are great for starters. Of course there are more advanced techniques that you can learn and do to speed up and maximize those gains.

Bottom line...

Penis exercises are a great way to add genuine size to your penis, and without spending a ton of time, money or effort. Even if you've just a few minutes to spare each day to work on these exercises, with a little consistent effort, you can achieve great gains from home and put other men to shame!

If you seriously want to super-size your manhood quickly and for good, this proven step-by-step method is what helped me gain an exceptional size, and in a hurry too:


CAUTION: If you begin to gain in excess of an inch in just 1 week, please do cease and resist from using this technique for a few days.

Article Source: Glenn_Love

Herbal Remedies Fore HBP - Treating High Blood Pressure the Herbal Way

Everywhere in the world there were incidents of deaths, deaths that can be blamed on one of the most potent and silent killers of all time, high blood pressure. Many procedures have been experimented already to put an end to this dilemma but all the efforts were wasted because until now this disease remains permanent and incurable. Ones you contracted this disease you will suffer the many consequences of it your whole life through. Stay away from this disease.

Good News about HBP

One good thing about HBP though is that it can be avoided or prevented. There were many ways in avoiding this disease but some methods just simply cannot be made an option because of the dangers they were posing. Treating this disease doesn't mean sacrificing your other body organs and exposing them to danger of side effects that can be brought about by drugs involved in the treatment method.

Talking about prevention, one of the simplest ways to get away with the dangers of hypertension is restraining from foods that contains too much cholesterol and fats. The food we eat is the number one source of essential elements in our body that's why we should be careful in what we put inside our mouth. Disease and healing all passes through our mouth, we should be vigilant in order for us to stay healthy.

Herbal Treatment for HBP

Here are some effective herbal remedies that can help you prevent the fatal effects of a soaring blood pressure:

  • Garlic. This common household spice is very effective in lowering blood pressure. It also acts as blood thinner. Due to blocked passages a blood may experience difficulty passing through blood vessels and as a result, our heart may exert more force in order for the blood to reach its destinations. By thinning the blood, garlic helps it pass through blocked passages easily, thus, reducing pressure along the walls of the arteries.
  • Hawthorne. Same with garlic, this herb is also used for over a long period of time already in treating high blood pressure. Regular use of hawthorn extract can lead to a significant decrease of a lingering HBP. Side effects were virtually absent.

There were many benefits concealed inside many herbs that surround us. This is one good thing about natural treatment. All we have to do is just to discover them to take advantage of their full potential in treating dreadful diseases like high blood pressure.

How to Tighten a Vagina With Natural Herbs

Women with a loose vagina due to child birth or aging are taking help of herbal vaginal tightening creams which help in tightening up the vagina naturally. In this article let us find out about all the benefits of the herbs used in these creams and does their usage also carry any complications if used in the wrong way.

Main Ingredients

The herbal creams for vaginal tightening have aloe as the most important ingredient as it is known for its skin tightening effect. It tightens the vagina with the help of other herbs by increasing bloody supply to the area thereby also helping women who have a low libido problem.

Proper Usage

These creams are usually applied 15 to 20 minutes prior to intercourse. Before using the cream wash your hands with soap and then clean the vaginal area. It is advisable not to use soap on the vaginal area as it can wipe away the essential oils and can cause dryness in the region. After you have cleaned the vagina dry it completely and then take some cream into your finger and apply it to the vaginal walls and wait for 15 minutes to make it work.

Preventive Measures

These creams should not be used if you are suffering from any type of vaginal infection or if you are going through the menstruation period. Also always look for the expiry date before purchasing any type of medicine whether herbal or allopathic.

Added Advantages

It has been seen that the regular usage of these creams help in permanent tightening and also get rid of vaginal odor plus they also act as natural lubricants and they are quite affordable as compared to a surgery, these tubes just come at a price of around $40 to $50 while a surgery costs more than $5000.

Looking at all these benefits there is no harm in giving these creams a try.

Buy herbal vaginal tightening cream at

Article Source: Ajeet_Gautam

Ajeet Gautam - EzineArticles Expert Author

How to Increase Breast Size - Know the Six Ways to Enlarge Your Breasts

If you want to increase the size of your breast, there are varieties of options to choose from. It mainly depends on the type that will suit your body the most. As you know, our body reacts to various things in different ways. You should put this into consideration when thinking of the method that will be best for you to increase the size of your breast.

Consume herbs
There are varieties of herbs which you can take to increase the size of your breast. Some of them are saw palmetto, fenugreek, and the rest of others. You can find them at your nearest store. Just take a trip there and ask the store attendance to provide you with them. Go for the high quality ones and don't go for the cheap ones.

It is possible for you to enlarge your boobs by undergoing the pain of the knife, which is usually called surgery. You should also know that there are a lot of complications involve in breast enlargement through surgery. It costs some thousands of dollars. Let me be precise about the price, you need less than five thousand or more to do them.

Take pills
There are some breast enhancement pills which you can take to increase the size of your boobs. You should keep in mind that there are some pills that have side effects. Pills work very well for enlarging the breast once you get your hands on the effective ones.

Simple breast exercise like massaging can have a great impact on your breast. It will aid you breast to remain healthy and attain its maximum growth rate.

Breast pumps
There are pumps made exclusive for the enlargement of the breast. There is a strong debate whether breast pumps work or not. As you know, most things in the market are for profit maximization. You can try them out and see whether they will work for you. I know very well that they work temporarily and they won't give you a permanent increase in the size of your breast.

There are some foods that will make your breast to grow even if you have attained your maximum growth rate. Foods like flax seeds, whole grains, fruits and vegetables are all good for breast growth. The best out of all these foods is flax seeds. Don't joke with them because it works.

Flat 2 Fab is an online breast enlargement program which provides you with the step by step instructions needed to make your breast grow. If you are not comfortable with the size of your breasts, it is possible to make them appear bigger.

See more at

Article Source: Osita_Modozie

How to Tighten a Vagina

The main reason why women opt for vagina tightening and toning is to restore it to its healthy and youthful state. As a healthy measure vagina should be taken care of right from youth so that your womanhood remains intact all through your life. In this article we are going to discuss some benefits and methods on how to keep your vagina tight and healthy.

Benefits of a Tight Vagina

A tighter vagina has many benefits including reaching orgasm through intercourse, not suffering from the mental trauma of having a loose or slack vagina, it will enhance the feeling of your partners thrusting inside you, a tighter vagina also looks attractive, problems like urinary incontinence are minimized with a tighter vagina. Lastly your partner will be loyal to you as men always prefer a tight vagina, so when he will feel the tightness while making love he would not resist the temptation of getting back home as soon as possible.

How To Tighten Your Vagina

There are basically two ways to tighten your vagina one is through surgery and the other one is through herbal medicines like virgin cream and instant virgin spray. These creams and sprays contain herbs which have been used for centuries in ayurveda and other natural forms of treatment. These herbal formulations are usually applied 15 to 20 minutes prior to intercourse. They work by tightening the vaginal walls thereby giving more pleasure in lovemaking. The herbal creams can be applied on a regular basis as their regular usage helps in permanent tightening of the vagina and also helps get rid of vaginal odor.

All in all a firm vagina is what both partners desire and with these new herbal medications it is no more a problem to get a tighter vagina.

Buy vagina tightening spray at 30% discount at

Article Source: Ajeet_Gautam

Ajeet Gautam - EzineArticles Expert Author

Five Best Sexual Positions to Get Pregnant Fast

Before we get to discussing the best position to get pregnant, let's get one important thing straight first: you can get pregnant in any position-man on top, woman on top, standing, sitting, lying down or on all fours. Pregnancy happens when the male sperm enters the woman's vagina and meets up with an egg on its way to the uterus up the fallopian tube. Ideally, this is possible with any sexual position that you assume.

Unfortunately, however, some couples do find it hard to conceive for several reasons, including weak or insufficient sperm count. In some cases, as when nature needs a boost, a little push from you and your partner can go a long way in getting pregnant. When it comes to the best position to get pregnant, the general rule is that the male sperm must be deposited as near to the female cervix as possible.

This has something to do with the life spans of the female egg and the male sperm. Once an egg is released from the ovary-a stage also known as ovulation-it begins its path down the fallopian tube to the uterus. A released egg typically survives for only 24 hours, while a sperm can last anywhere from three to five days in the female body. As such, the egg has to be as close to the egg as possible so they can meet and join before the egg dies.

While not a lot of people will agree that the sexual positions have anything to do with getting pregnant, the logical inference is that it makes sense to assume the position that can help the sperm meet the egg in the shortest possible time.

This is especially true when for couples who have problems or difficulty conceiving. Having said this, the first "best position to get pregnant" tip is to avoid positions that least expose the cervix to the male sperm, and that generally defy gravity such as sex while standing up, sitting down, or with the woman on top. When trying to conceive, it is best to limit the amount of sperm that flows back out of the vagina.

The woman's hips should also be positioned in such a way that the sperm released is kept inside, giving it enough time to swim up to the female cervix.

Consider the following positions instead:

1. The missionary position, or man-on-top, is said to be the position that's best for getting pregnant. This is because this particular position allows for the deepest possible penetration, making it possible for the sperm to get deposited closest to the cervix.

2. Elevating the hips, which can be done by placing a pillow behind her, can also be helpful because this exposes the female cervix to as much semen as the male can release.

3. The rear-entry position where the man enters the woman from behind is also a recommended position. In this position, sperm is also deposited closest to the cervix, thereby helping increase the chances of conception.

4. You can also try having intercourse while lying side by side. This position likewise causes the most exposure of the cervix to the male sperm.

5. Finally, while this has nothing to do with sexual positions, there are also researches that suggest the importance of the female orgasm in conceiving. According to studies, female orgasm leads to contractions that could push sperm up into the cervix. The lesson: have fun while trying to conceive.

For more free articles on other get pregnant tips, go to for a free 10-day newsletter bonus step-by-step on how to treat infertility and of course get you pregnant in no time at all.

Article Source:Eddy_K_Elysia

Treating a Vaginal Yeast Infection

Treating a vaginal yeast infection can be difficult. Statistics say that approximately seventy five percent of all adult women will experience the symptoms of candidal vaginitis at some point in their life. Other medical terms for a yeast infection of the vagina include vulvovaginal candidiasis or monilial infection. This article will explore options available for treating candida of the vagina.

While yeast is always present in the vagina, if there is not an active infection, it should not have a high concentration. Symptoms of a vaginal yeast infection will only appear when there is an overgrowth of yeast, or candida. Let's explore some traditional versus natural treatments of candida yeast overgrowth in the vaginal area.

Treating a vaginal yeast infection with traditional remedies
If you have been diagnosed with a yeast infection by your doctor, chances are that he (or she) prescribed some. Treatment of yeast in the vagina usually includes the use of vaginal wash, anti-fungal creams as well as prescriptions for antibiotics. Ingredients found in antifungal creams include Terconazole, clotrimazole, miconazole and butoconazole. There are also tablets available that can treat the fungus -with some of the more well known being Lotrimin, Monistat, Terazon, Mycostatin and Mycelex. You should also speak with your doctor about any medications that you are currently on to see if they might be affecting the 'good bacteria' that is needed in your body in order to keep the yeast levels at an optimal amount.

Treating a vaginal yeast infection with home remedies
If you have been experiencing frequent or chronic yeast infections and traditional methods just don't seem to be helping, perhaps it is time to try some natural holistic treatments or remedies. Some examples include tea tree oil treatments, vinegar douches (apple cider or regular), yogurt (either eating or using as a topical application) or colloidal silver. Other areas to look at to determine what is causing the recurring infections include lifestyle choices. For example, if you are wearing tight synthetic underwear, it is possible that your genitals are sensitive to lack of oxygen or synthetic materials. Start wearing unbleached 100% cotton garments, and loose clothing. If you work out frequently, make sure that you take a shower right away to prevent the sweat from creating excess moisture in your vaginal area. Yeast multiplies at a greater rate in dark, moist areas. Maintaining proper hygiene is also an important part of keeping yeast infections away.

Now pay close attention here,

There is a sure fire way that is guaranteed to cure yeast infection naturally within 12 hours. If you have been desperately looking around for a cure to a vaginal, oral (thrush) or penile yeast infection, then this is the most important message you will ever read - Treating A Vaginal Yeast Infection.

Article Source:Yvonne_Easton

Friday, August 28, 2009

Teeth Whitening Solutions - The Dentist's Chair Or Your Easy Chair

Tooth whitening is becoming frequent procedure, more so now than ever before. You want a whiter smile because it makes people notice you. When you smile, the world smiles back. It makes you feel good and makes those around you feel good. So which of these teeth whitening solutions works best for you? Should you head to your local dentist, or relax and whiten your teeth from the comfort of your own home?
In order to have your teeth whitened by a dental professional you will need to have two things: Time and money. Any tooth whitening process takes time but if you want to have your dentist perform the procedure, you have to work around his schedule, as well as your own. You need to set aside your precious time and wait until it is convenient for him to perform teeth whitening. Solutions such as this are also expensive. Your insurance won't cover cosmetic surgery and tooth whitening is not medically necessary. Professionally performed procedures can range from a few hundred dollars to as much as one thousand dollars or more. There's no doubting that professional whitening is the most effective, but can you really afford it?
On the other hand, tooth whitening can also be performed from the comfort of your own home, when it is convenient for you. There are many products available and they are easily accessible. You can purchase teeth whitening solutions for a fraction of the cost at your local pharmacy, or better yet you can order them online and never have to leave your home. Many sites even offer free trials so you can choose the product that works best for you without having to risk anything at all.
To find some teeth whitening solutions that you can do at home and avoid sitting in the dentist office, click here for more information.
Article Source:Rob_Van_Allen

Some at Home Teeth Whitening Remedies You Can Use to Get That Supermodel Smile

You want to look like that supermodel on the television. Who doesn't? The way their smile lights up the room when they walk in is enough to turn every head in the place. Who wouldn't want to be like them? Their winning smile gives them the confidence to be self assured. You can get the same attention with some simple at home teeth whitening remedies.
The teeth whitening methods that you can use at home come in a variety of shapes and sizes. You can try a whitening tooth paste, a free standing topical gel, whitening strips or trays. These types of whiteners are easily purchased over the counter at your local pharmacy. You can also get them through mail order catalogs or even easier still, the internet.
The simplest method you can use is the whitening paste. As the name implies, this is simply toothpaste that contains peroxide. The results the paste will produce are what you might expect from at home teeth whitening remedies such as this, since there is no prolonged contact with the bleaching agent.
Topical gels and white strips work adequately enough, but the problem with strips is that they don't stay secure on the teeth. They are held in place by the peroxide coating that is sitting on the teeth. Strips don't have enough surface area to cover all of the teeth either. Topical gels are simply applied to the teeth, but there is no barrier between the gel and the inside of the mouth, which can get messy.
Trays are the most effective of the at home teeth whitening remedies. They fully cover all of your teeth with the peroxide bleaching agent, ensuring that all of your teeth feel the effects. The trays also protect your mouth by providing a barrier between the bleaching agent and the rest of your mouth.
If you are looking for some at home teeth whitening remedies that will help you feel like you should be walking a runway, click here to find more information on solutions that may work for you.
Article Source:Rob_Van_Allen

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Hairstyles For a Round Face

Do you have a round face? You are not alone. You have top celebrities like Cameron Diaz, Drew Barrymore, Freddy Rodriguez, Elijah Wood and Kirsten Dunst with you. So here are some fashionable tips for hairstyles for a round face which will make you feel proud and blessed.

Short hair on a round face is stylish and easily manageable too. The secret is to have good mass of hair atop the head. This is done by making textured layers which seems to slim the face. You can enhance your short hair look by using shags also.

Similarly, you can wear long hair on a round face which helps to make your face look longer. Be careful to avoid heavy volume of hair around the cheek area. Keep the long locks narrow and slim while passing the chin to smoothen the hair. Highlight with feathered ends. You can go for emo hairstyles or color highlights which can slender a round face too.

Now these are some don'ts for hairstyling a round face. Never keep medium length hair. Either have your hairs end up before the cheeks or have them pass the chin. Avoid these styles to stop blunders-hair bangs which are heavy, curls, blunt ends and bob cuts beside the cheeks which further acts to the prominence of the cheeks. Apart from the length factor which also counts is the hair type.

You may have a round face with curly hair. If you want keep it short style in a way that is off center and is tight to the face around the ear. This will compliment your curls. This is very time saving and easy go styling.

In case of curly long hair, shape it up with the apt layering. Take good care of it like using less shampoo, more conditioning and use of products which will keep your curls good. This styling has a lot of options like ponies, twists, buns, braids, scarves etc.

Try the above hairstyles to flaunt them with your round face. However, everything is fair in style if you are good enough.

Marsudi Suwarnaadi is an author, hairstylist, & blogger. His blog offers listings of hair styling tips. For more info, please visit his Hairstyles and Face Shapes Tips.

Organic Shampoo Advantages

Today, many people are striving to make healthy and eco-friendly decisions to improve the health of their families. Often products we use daily such as soaps and shampoos are not given a second thought. The average consumer is unaware of the dangers that may be lurking in products they use so faithfully every day.

For example, a common item like shampoo contains chemicals that can be harmful. A large number of the synthetic ingredients found in shampoos are known carcinogens. While manufacturers claim the amounts of these chemicals are small, there are questions about how safe it is to use these products regularly. There is a risk of allergic reaction with prolonged exposure. Since shampoo comes into contact with the skin, that means the chemicals can be absorbed directly into the body. People conscious of these issues have been looking for a safe alternative to chemical based shampoos.

Organic shampoos are becoming increasingly popular because of their many benefits. First and foremost they eliminate the exposure to the harmful synthetic chemicals and alcohols found in regular shampoos. This means they can be used daily without the fear of side effects. When comparing the ingredient list from a regular shampoo to an organic one, there is a pronounced difference. Organic shampoos contain just a few natural ingredients, while a chemical based shampoo usually has a lengthy list of unpronounceable chemical names.

Some people think that using organic shampoos will not provide the results they are looking for, but that is not the case. Using all natural substances helps to moisturize and repair hair. The organic ingredients are also beneficial for the scalp since it gets pampered with natural oils and extracts. Organic shampoos contain such ingredients as coconut oil, green tea, aloe vera, chamomile, and shea butter. Treating hair with these all natural components keeps hair healthy and shiny. No chemicals needed! Also, the blending of essential oils and herbs provides organic shampoos with a pleasant, fresh scent.

When choosing an organic shampoo it is important to ensure its quality. Some shampoos brag about their natural ingredients, but they are often mixed with a chemical base. Choose a shampoo that says it is "100% organic." When in doubt, read the label. If there are chemical additives, it is not a truly organic shampoo. There are a variety of organic shampoos on the market. However there are also recipes available for organic shampoos that can be made at home. Many people have benefited from making their own shampoo. Not only do they make themselves healthier, but they also help the environment by reducing the amount of plastic bottles that reach the landfills.

Therefore, opting for organic shampoo offers many advantages. Organic shampoos prevent you from being exposed to harsh chemicals on a daily basis. The natural essences provide great results, are gentle, and will improve the health of your hair and scalp. When choosing an organic shampoo make sure the ingredient list is composed of only natural ingredients and says "100% organic."

Offers quality organic skin care products, organic hair gels and products, massage oils and natural cosmetics. Keep informed with skincare tips and top beauty tricks posted on our skin care blog.

There comes a time for many women around the age of forty, when upon glancing in the mirror , they realize the aging process has really kicked in. When did those fine lines around the lips and the slight sagging under the eyes appear? They hadn't been noticed before, and strangely, though our exterior changes we often feel as young on the inside as we did in our 20's. So how successful are makeovers to help us look younger?

It is worth noting the ten most common areas for concern for forty plus women (just in case you didn't know) are:-

  • Hair
  • Style and clothing
  • Skin
  • Fashion
  • Face and neck
  • Dressing appropriately for age
  • Posture
  • Vitality and health
  • Make-up
  • Relationships

Even if we address a few of the above concerns and make some recommendations this will often be enough to make a big difference to how you look.


Hair can be the first step that makes a major a difference when it comes to makeovers. By the time women are in their forties they have adopted a preferred hairstyle and length. One of the quickest ways to look younger is to cut long hair into a medium or short style. This lifts and rejuvenates the face, elongates the neck and slims the upper body. Combine this with colouring your hair with a shade that harmonises and compliments your natural colouring and you are well on the way to looking younger.

Make-up One of the most noticeable signs of aging is the brown discolouration of the skin or what we commonly know as "age spots". The youthful glow of our 20's and 30's has long gone and now, more than ever, is the need for a foundation that gives maximum coverage and is perfectly matched to your skin tone to smooth out the complextion. Mascara and subtly applied eyeliner and eyeshadow help define the eyes and draw attention to one of our best features. Lips are well defined and finished with lipstick that enhances skin tone and clothing and finally simply add a gentle flush of colour on the cheeks.


It's easy to become lazy with the way we dress as we age. Life is busy and as we age it becomes harder to find clothes that suit our changing body shape. Be warned as some of your clothes may be making you look older.

The danger list:-

  • Cardigans
  • High closed blouses
  • Gathered yokes
  • Long skirts
  • Pleated skirts
  • Gathered skirts
  • Hand knits
  • Elastic waists
  • Pearl buttons
  • Cameos
  • Shapeless clothes
  • Wide vamps
  • Lace up shoes

Are some of these things in your wardrobe? What we wear has a dramatic impact on how young or old we appear to be and some styles and colours have the power to make us look instantly older by their association with the elderly. If you are sick and tired of settling for clothes that don't really do you any justice then it is worth the investment of an Image Consultant.

You'll be impressed by just how much younger makeovers can make you look when you incorporate the above guidelines.

Michele Gillett is a qualified Image Consultant expertly trained by The Australian Image Company, one of the world's most respected image organisations. Having 20 years experience in the beauty and image business she has mentored and trained men and women from diverse backgrounds, ranging from socially disadvantaged young people through to professionals in executive positions. Need more information on how to dress for success then visit

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Reduce Tummy Fat - 3 Critical Steps to Take

The lower tummy pooch - it's the bane of most women's existence. If you have been trying in vain to reduce tummy fat, read these tips on how to finally get that lower belly pooch reduced or completely eliminated!

Don't focus just on your tummy!

When people focus just on their problem area they really aren't helping the situation. If you were just to do crunches or other stomach exercises you could be making your tummy look worse and you wouldn't reduce tummy fat at all. When you do only crunches you are simply building up the muscles underneath your tummy fat. By doing this without losing body fat allover, you've just added inches in muscle to your tummy and the fat is still there but looking like it is sticking further out than before. To reduce belly fat you have to reduce fat from all over your body. Focus on a total body workout program that includes exercises for the tummy.

Watch your diet

Dieting shouldn't be about starvation. Nor should you give up in despair and eat everything in sight. Finding a good balance of eating enough and the right foods is key to getting you to reduce tummy fat. There are also many foods that scientists and nutritionists say will help with getting a smaller tummy. One surprising food to help reduce your tummy fat is dark chocolate! Of course, some brands and varieties are better than others and the darker the chocolate the better. In addition, keep in mind that yo-yo dieting will keep that stubborn belly fat right where it is. The constant changing of your diet confuses your body so that it decides for safety reasons to just store fat since it doesn't know if proper nutrition will be for the long term or not.

Keep stress away

Stress can be a real pain in the gut. Stress hormones actually cause additional fat to be stored in the tummy. If you want to reduce tummy fat, making an effort to keep your life less stressful is critical. One of the best ways to help relieve stress is with meditation. Even meditating just 5 minutes a day can have a huge impact on stress relief. Also exercising is a great stress reliever. Keep up with your total body workout and not only will you reduce body fat all over and reduce tummy fat but you'll be less stressed as well.

Finding a workout and diet program that can reduce total body fat and particularly reduce tummy fat is not always so easy. Luckily there is a program that can transform your body quickly - without hours in the gym and getting plenty of the right foods to eat. Even better you can do the workouts in the comfort of your own home - yet still get amazing results. In no time you will reduce your tummy fat and tone and trim your entire body. To get more information about this amazing program click here now! By jill parker

Proven Diet to Lose Annoying Fat Extremely Fast & Easy!

Have you diligently attempted to drop pounds but just seemed to always come up short from reaching your goals? Well, take just 60 quick seconds out of your busy day to read on and learn more about a proven diet that will have you drop 10 pounds of annoying fat fast, easy, and consistently.

First things first. In order to experience success with getting quick weight loss, you have to adhere to 100% natural methods. Getting caught up with unnatural dieting techniques such as fad diets (low calorie, low carb, low fat, celebrity diets, etc.) will end up slowing down your metabolic rate. If your metabolism decreases too low, this will ultimately cause "up-and-down weight loss" and will force your body to STORE fat instead of melting it off!

Now, the best diet I have found to quickly and naturally drop pounds is the calorie shifting diet from Fat Loss 4 Idiots.

With this diet, you'll be given a cool and fun diet generator that creates a custom "4 delicious and nutritious meals a day" diet menu for you (REAL FOODS). These meals that you'll be consuming daily will skyrocket your fat burning hormones. But what makes this diet extremely powerful is the "shifting" technique you'll learn about. This technique will really heighten your metabolism to the max which will drop pounds of fat extraordinarily fast!

Bottom line with the calorie shifting diet? You will end up with a much more stronger metabolism constantly raised to the maximum peak, you won't end up starving or getting those irritating sugar/carb cravings, and you will quickly drop 10 pounds of stubborn fat in 2 weeks fast, easy, consistently, and permanently.

Lose 10 Pounds and melt away fat in 2 WEEKS with the calorie shifting diet plan!

Click to read the full review of the calorie shifting diet and get started today By Avy Barnes

The Secret of Losing Fat Fast - Tips That Will Help Your Weight Loss Goals

You have been losing weight for awhile and you are now getting frustrated because you have stopped losing weight. It is a bad feeling when we just stay at 200 pounds and do tons of walking and it never drops. If that is you keep reading on because I hope that with these tips you will be able to get right back on track again with losing weight.

If you are not losing weight while you are trying you need to change your routine. Spice it up some. Instead of walking every day go to the gym and try doing some random exercise plus join a class while you are at the gym! Maybe instead of just walking start jogging some. Don't overdo jogging when you are just starting out. Take it nice and slow. If you still only want to walk increase how much walking you are doing but remember don't over do it. Lets say that you are walking for 30 minutes per day and that 30 minutes has helped you lose 10 pounds but now you've stopped. Increase the 30 minutes to 45 minutes. Your body will sometimes get use to what you are doing as it gets in shape more. That is another reason why it is good to switch between doing things at the gym and walking. Don't do the same routine every day and don't over do walking.

If you are still having problems not losing you might want to think about reducing your meal size more. Have more tiny meals throughout the day and continue having vegetables and greens. Make sure that you have plenty of water and not soda. Drinking soda is bad so avoid having coke with your meals. Even diet soda isn't that great for you. Drink water and tea.

Stop with the once a week treat. That once a week treat could hurt you in the end. I know we all like to award ourselves but if you really want to award yourself for doing good take a bike ride on a beautiful day instead of getting a candy bar! That extra treat could be what is holding you back.

Don't give up and keep going towards your weight goal. You will not regret it.

To find out how to lose weight the fastest way, Click Here: Lose That Fat! By Amy Elmore

How to Lose Weight the Natural Way

We live in a very image-obsessed culture. Images of perfection accost us when we watch television, when we walk down the street, when we're at the check-out counter of the grocery store. It's a constant barrage against our self-esteem, and it's no wonder that every time a new cure-all weight-loss medicine hits the shelves, it will get snapped up by a consuming public obsessed with being thin and attractive.

The problem is, there's no shortcut to healthy weight-loss. As the saying goes, if it's too good to be true, than it probably is. Just like Fen-Phen before it, Hydroxycut offered quick weight-loss to a society in which obesity was a rapidly growing problem. The truth is, a lot of people just didn't know how to go about losing weight and were hoping that a pill could help them get on the right track. The bad news is that Hydroxycut is linked to liver damage and rhabdomyolysis, the rapid breakdown of skeletal muscle.

The good news, though, is that weight loss can be healthy and responsible, and while it may take longer than most people like, it is quite possible. By following a few simple rules, you can increase the likelihood of living a longer, healthier, life. Diet and exercise are, of course, the key.

  • Exercise. We live in a sedentary world. Many of us wake up every morning, get in a car to drive to work, sit behind a desk all day, and then come home and sit some more. Any calories you take in will just sit around and be converted to fat. But studies show that by walking a mere additional mile a day, you can maintain your body weight. By jogging a couple miles, you can start to lose some serious weight over time. Cardio workouts like running, biking, or swimming are the best way to lose weight, although weight loss increases when these workouts are mixed in with weight lifting.
  • Diet. The other pillar of weight loss is diet. You've probably heard the old metaphor before: your body's like a car, and you have to be careful what you put in the fuel tank. It may be a tired old expression, but it's absolutely true. We eat more and more junk food than ever before. Most Americans have diets high in fats, sugars, and salts, with most of their food being high-energy, high-calorie offerings with little nutritional value. If you want to lose weight, you need to start eating smaller portions of healthier foods. Fruits and vegetables are low in calories and high in vitamins and minerals. By changing the proportion of fruits and vegetables in your diet, you increase your chances at losing weight.

For more information about the potential dangers of weight-loss supplements, visit

Joseph Devine

Are Weight Loss Pills Worth It?

Because of desperation and the desire to reduce weight quickly, many people often resort to diet pills without any careful evaluation done on the product. There are medications that are effective to some, but not all. When opting for taking some type of diet pill, it is very important that one understands the side effects involved before any action is made.

Weight loss pills are becoming increasingly popular with the advent of internet marketing. During the early 1990s and before the rise of the internet, diet pills manufacturers used the influence of TV ads to market their products. Today, as we make a shift in marketing, more and more weight loss solutions are introduced in the market bragging their promise of getting you in shape in no time. Is this promise worth risking your health or worst, your life?

Weight loss pills are supplementary medications designed to help a person lessen his or her appetite towards foods. Most of these types of pills contain ingredients harmful to the body or those that produce toxics that slowly buildup within the human body. The build up of this substance can lead to more harmful effects rather than seeing any good results. Side effects like lost of bowel movement, alarming lost of appetite, and insomnia is most likely to be experienced by patients dependent on a pill solution for their weight loss journey.

With these side effects present in almost any diet pill, people are now starting to turn their backs against using them to help reduce their weight. Should you risk your life for a solution you wrongfully think is the answer to your problem?

Effective diet plan combined with the power of exercise is still the best practice that anybody can do when aiming to burn calorie buildup in the body. Regularly developing the muscles in your body through physical fitness can also increase your stamina. No side effects, no drug maintenance, and no toxics stored in your body.

Dave runs, where you can learn all about Jillian Michaels Exercise Plans, including Jillian Michaels Books, DVDs and other interesting information, all to help you lose weight and get into shape. By David L. Felts

Foods Good For High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)

It seems that doctors the world over are all too ready to prescribe medication rather than to suggest natural methods of lowering high blood pressure (hypertension). Most of these medicines can have undesirable side-effects, so it is wise to look for natural methods.

It has been shown that a healthy diet containing high levels of potassium, magnesium and calcium can lower and help control high blood pressure. Just as important, a healthy diet should include essential fatty acids, but as little as possible saturated fats, salt and sugar. Below is just a short list of foods good for high blood pressure.

SPINACH Spinach is rich in magnesium and helps prevent heart disease. It also contains folate which protects the body from homocysteine, an excessive amount of which can cause heart attacks and strokes. Cook for as little time as possible. Better still, eat raw in salads.

SUNFLOWER SEEDS Sunflower seeds are rich in potassium, magnesium and phytosterols which can aid in the reduction of your cholesterol level. (High levels of cholesterol can cause narrowing of the arteries and blood vessels which raises blood pressure).

BANANAS Bananas are rich in potassium and have a high fiber content. Try to eat at least two bananas per day.

SOME FATS ARE GOOD! Unsaturated fats can help reduce cholesterol and provide essential fatty acid that the body needs. Fish contain omega-3 which prevents heart disease. Try eating oily fish such as trout, salmon and mackerel. It will be a lot healthier for you if you grill, bake or steam the fish. Do not add salt when cooking. Sardines, too, are a good choice. Fresh fish are best, but if you must buy tinned fish check the label to make sure the salt content is low.

GARLIC Garlic helps thin the blood and stops blood vessels clogging, so reducing blood pressure. Try chewing a clove or two of garlic each day. If you don't want to lose all your friends you may prefer to take it in the form of a supplement.

TOMATOES Tomatoes are rich in calcium and potassium, and contain vitamins A, C and E. Tomatoes also contain lycopene which is a powerful antioxidant that is reputed to lower the risk of heart disease. The antioxidants found in tomatoes can prevent LDL cholesterol from oxidizing and sticking to the blood vessel walls, which would raise blood pressure. Drinking tomato juice is a great way to enjoy tomatoes. If you own a juicer, make your own. If you have to buy tomato juice make sure it's a pure juice with no added salt or sugar.

BROCCOLI Broccoli is full of nutrition. Not only is it high in potassium but it contains chromium that helps regulate blood sugar and insulin. Don't over cook it. Place it in a pan with just enough water to cover it, that way it will retain more nutrients. Better still, steam it. When I'm preparing broccoli I always cut off a few florets and eat them raw. Try it, they're delicious!

HAWTHORN Hawthorn dilates the arteries and improves the flow of blood, so lowering blood pressure. Use a mixture of leaves and flowers to make a tea. Place two teaspoonfuls in a cup and add boiling water. Leave to infuse for around twenty minutes before straining. Drink two or three cups of the elixir per day.

Looking for information on HOW TO REDUCE HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE? Congratulations, your search is over! Simply visit where a warm welcome is waiting. By robert watkinns

Natural Ways to Lower Blood Pressure - Safe and Simple

Do you suffer from hypertension? If so, you may be glad to know there are natural ways to lower blood pressure that don't involve risky prescription drugs. So many people just go to the doctor for their problems, get a prescription, fill it and go on with life. Do you realize what these drugs are made of, and what they can do to your body?

Often, drugs that the doctor prescribes are made of synthetic materials. Why would anyone want these materials in their body? These drugs do not treat the underlying cause of your hypertension, they simply mask the symptoms. There are many natural ways to lower high blood pressure that DO treat the cause of the problem, and also improve your overall health. This can essentially add years to your life!

Most people with hypertension know that they should cut back on salt intake and reduce processed and fatty foods. What you may not know is that there are many foods, relaxation techniques and other things you can do that will lower your numbers dramatically. In fact, you can quickly bring your blood pressure down to a normal level in just a few weeks, without the dangers of prescription drugs!

Here are a few natural ways to lower blood pressure that will give you an idea of just how easy it really is:

1. Add foods that are high in potassium and magnesium to your diet. Bananas are a super food!

2. Practice reducing stress. Stress can cause a whole host of health problems, including high blood pressure. If you can, eliminate the source of your stress. If that isn't possible, deep breathing exercises and yoga are known to bring stress levels down.

3. Exercise more often. You really don't have to work out excessively - just walk or practice pilates for 15 to 20 minutes 3 or 4 times per week.

4. Stop smoking! If all of the other diseases smoking causes isn't enough, stop for the sake of your blood pressure. You truly don't want to have a heart attack or stroke way before your time.

These are just a few steps you can take to control your hypertension. There are hundreds of other things you can do. Natural herbal supplements can be effective in some circumstances. Special concoctions can be made right in your own kitchen that have a powerful reducing effect!

If you have hypertension and don't want to risk your health to the side effects that prescription drugs can cause, consider using natural methods. Not only can you improve other conditions like high cholesterol and diabetes, you will feel better than you ever have and add years to your life! Learn more about the natural ways you can lower your blood pressure, and start improving your health NOW.

By Teresa Tackett

oes Hypertension Cause Erectile Dysfunction? All the Facts You Need to Know

Well the answer is, yes it is a possibility as discussed below.

High blood pressure affects the flow of sufficient blood in the penis which is needed for erection. Whatever blood does flow is not enough to maintain erection.

Men with high pressure levels over a period of time produce insufficient amount of nitric oxide which is necessary for smooth functioning of the blood vessels. This low level of nitric oxide especially in the penis prevents it from relaxing and it may lead to erectile dysfunction.

Some hypertension medications such as diuretics and beta blockers are known to cause this dysfunction.

If you suspect medicines as one of the reasons for erectile dysfunction then it is advised you consult your medical practitioner to switch medicines and try various combination which is best suited for you.

Unfortunately hypertension will not go away on its own. It has to be treated and taken care that it does not reach dangerous levels which can cause you even more serious problems.

At the same time when you realize that some drugs for high blood pressure do cause erectile dysfunction or impotence, it is highly recommended that you opt for other ways for lowering your pressure levels.

Some ways by which you can do this is by constantly monitoring your pressure readings, make some lifestyle and dietary changes. You can eat more healthy food and minimize eating oily fatty food. Eat less salt in your food, do some regular exercise, avoid stress etc.

Fact is erectile dysfunction and hypertension are related. So you must act now and take steps to lower your high blood pressure which will help you in overcoming erectile dysfunction.

Learn how you actually lower your high blood pressure without harmful drugs using a complete natural treatment system, click here to visit Natural Ways To Lower Blood Pressure. By Shwetha Nathan

- You Can't Do it Unless You Try

Lowering high blood pressure is most times, a reachable goal. There are very few instances where a person's blood pressure cannot be lowered. While it is possible to be born with a type of hypertension known as primary or essential hypertension and little can be done to alter it, essential hypertension or any common type of hypertension usually responds to healthy lifestyle changes.

In just about all cases, your doctor will find a safe medication that will get the blood pressure reading into an acceptable range. Then, by following a plan, the hypertension can be lowered to a perfect, or very close to perfect reading. This is true except in extremely rare cases.

It has to be Important to You

The key to being able to get a firm handle on hypertension is you have to want to do it. Living a life that includes dieting, exercising, giving up or severely limiting certain foods and laying off the sauce, for the most part can get you to your goal. However, it is unrealistic to expect anyone can make these sorts of lifestyle changes without making a concerted effort.

Still, before I discourage you altogether and make your new healthy regime sound next to impossible to follow, let me add this. The efforts I made in getting a firm grip on and then lowering my blood pressure readings all came in the first three weeks of my anti-hypertension vendetta. After about three weeks, all the things I had been laboring to do became second nature. There was a time I was a potato chip-a-holic. After three weeks of staying away from them, you would have to mug me to get a potato chip down my throat!

It Only Hurts for a Little While

For me to eat less food and drink less beer, at one time seemed like an impossibility, but now, it's second nature to follow this healthier lifestyle where I limit my beer to a little each week and I simply eat a little less and snack a little less. Yes, making these changes was really hard at first, but now that I am over the hump, it isn't very hard at all.

So, if you've been told, like all we hypertension sufferers have been told, you have to limit your salt intake, drink only moderately, lose weight and exercise; I want you to know you can absolutely, positively do it. The key is you have to want to make a change in your life or you're not going to. However, take heart because today's change is tomorrow's habit. Following a hypertension control regiment might look like a most daunting task at first, but once you get the hang of it, which will take about three weeks, very little effort will be required.

Jason Falson has lived with hypertension for many years. He has credited the remarkable improvement he has seen in his high blood pressure to a change in the way he lives his life. This is, of course, along with following his doctor's orders. He recommends hypertension sufferers learn the same techniques he uses by visiting Symptom of Hypertension Also, learn more about the connection between hypertension and anxiety and how to control it at Dealing With Anxiety. By jason falson

Dieting For Reducing High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is caused by many reasons and is also very common in today's world. It may be caused due to the occupation of the person, the family history, the ethnicity, or even the race of the person. The unhealthy environment of the person along with the bad eating habits may also lead to the disease of the high blood pressure. It is a cause of worry not for the patient but for the entire family. Taking gradual steps and following them religiously can help a person reduce the high blood pressure and contribute in making the life healthy again.

One of the practices that a person can easily adopt is the dieting and an appropriate regime of exercise. A combination of these two practices will help reduce the weight, which in turn will help the person reduce the blood pressure. One must choose a program that meets the requirements and is flexible enough. A flexible dieting program allows the person to include in the diet the meals that a person can prepare easily. The meals may be suitable even when a person is on a business tour, in office, or anywhere else. Changing places may not create problems for the person as far as the diet and the meals are concerned.

If a person continues to neglect this health problem, there may be more severe problems due to this condition. Therefore, a person must take appropriate steps at the earliest to avoid any medical problems for self or other problems for the family.

Another great method is known as Colon Cleansing which removes toxins from the body. Read about it and more Diet Reviews now. By Ryan sanders

How to Cure Pimples

Pimples are similar as acne, only that they appear smaller in size as compared to acne. Having pimples can be irritating and embarrassing but most of the people do not know how to deal with it. Expensive over the counter products does not help in this case as most of the people will find that they are ineffective yet costly.

Here are some simple rules you can follow and retrieve back your smooth face. Before that, you better understand that the medications you are using may not be the remedy for your problem. If you want to cure your pimples, one of the best way is to adopt the natural methods. Natural methods are affordable, effective and best of all, it does not have any side effects.

Let me take you through the process of how to cure pimples. One of the best tips to cure this problem is to drink adequate amount of water. It is a common advice but most do not heed it. Our blood contains toxins and our liver and kidney helps to clear it out. However the detox process will not be efficient if there are not enough water in our body. So drinking adequate amount of water will help your body to eliminate the toxins more effectively. If the toxins are not removed, it will lead to breakouts. You can also consider steaming your face as it will encourage the process of eliminating toxins through perspiration.

Keep in mind that you will also need to avoid a diet that contains lots processed food and sugar. You should include more vegetables and fruits into your diet as these food can provide your body with necessary nutrients to boost your immune system. Taking food such as raw cacao with high amount of anti-oxidant helps too. A great immune system can help to fight against the bacteria that cause your pimples to appear.

Next, learn how to cure pimples using natural ways. Joseph is a past acne sufferer and he discovered a method that helped him to cure his acne in 3 days time. Visit Acne Healing Blog to learn how to cure your pimples permanently in 3 days time By joseph cowell

Totally Natural Acne Cure

To hear someone say that there is a totally natural acne cure, lends itself to justified skepticism. This is particularly true if a person has spent a small fortune on prescription medicines, only to find they do not work. Even though these medicines were described as the top of the range remedies, not to mention top of the range prices for curing acne. Looking up the word acne in the oxford dictionary surprised me as to the simple explanation it offered for such a serious complaint, as anyone who suffers with it will testify to. It can destroy ones self confidence so much so that their self esteem can be driven so low leading to a person who just does not want to socialise. This is particularly tough on young adolescents, teenagers, and it even affects adults. But you know this need not be the case, because there are totally natural cures for acne. All one has to do is spend a little time on the net searching for a remedy that they feel comfortable with. Most natural remedies come with a money back guarantee, so if it does not work after a reasonable time period has elapsed you can ask for your money back, and no strings attached.

Like any malady that may afflict a person it is no use treating the effect, you must analyse all the symptoms and find the cause. Then once the cause has been identified you can begin to treat it successfully. To take on a treatment to cure acne using natural products is a big leap of faith, and this is because we are bombarded with advertisements telling us all about the pharmaceutical products saying they are the only cure for a particular sickness or disease. The truth of the matter is they are only promoting their products to increase their profit margins. It is not in their interest to find cures for anything, because if they do then they lose money if people because they are cured do not need to keep buying their products.

To take this leap of faith and go with a natural cure for acne is going to take discipline. This is because you must set out a pattern of treatment. You must stick completely to the instructions given with the product. If you do not then there will be a lapse in treatment and you will have to start the process all over again. The motivation that will keep you on the right path is to think of being acne free. To think of going out and not be embarrassed when you are meeting someone new. To wake up in the morning and see a spot free face in the mirror. To be able to shave and not tear your face with every stroke of the razor. These are just a few of the benefits you will reap once you start using natural acne cure remedy. Take that leap of faith right now, unleash the confident new you right away, and remember you have nothing to lose but your acne.

This 100% all natural acne remedies eliminates the need for a dermatologist and is a treatment program that you can implement from the comfort of your own home and has a 98% success rate. For pregnant women suffering with acne this is a revelation as there are no harmful medications involved.

This natural acne solution also promises to leave no marks or scarring behind and if you have existing acne marks or scarring they will be eliminated naturally by the end of the treatment, guaranteed! If you would like more information on this ground breaking treatment and receive a free 'healthy skincare guide' Visit Here Today and lets put a stop to your acne once and for all the natural and organic way! by noel halpin

Acne Skin Care Information and Advice

Recent medical research has highlighted that there exist many more causes of acne than what was previously understood. Teenagers, specifically teenage boys, seem to be more prone to acne because of the effects of the increased levels of testosterone as they reach puberty. This hormone stimulates the sebaceous glands in the skin which results in the production of more sebum oil.

Conversely, African skin types, which are relatively quite rich in sebum, seem to suffer much less from acne disorders. Medical practitioners also report seeing more adults that are suffering with acne in adulthood, yet their skin is often of a dry type, which confuses the traditional line of thinking of the overactive sebaceous gland causing acne by producing too much sebum which generally results in a greasy skin type.

Acne generally occurs when the fine pores of the skin surface become blocked. Each pore contains a hair follicle, containing the sebum producing sebaceous gland. These glands are supposed to produce a 'healthy' level of the sebum oil which helps lubricate the skin and helps our dead skin cells to part from the skin surface to be replaced by new ones.

The main cause of acne is when these dead skin cells around the follicles do not shed properly and this causes the pore to become blocked. Bacteria then turn the blocked pore into a spot and the area becomes inflamed causing the unsightly appearance we associated with acne disorders.

Medical research of late however, suggests that the cause of spots in adults is due more to inflammation at the cell level rather than being the direct result of a pore blocked with dead cells and sebum. Stress, smoking, pollutants, poor diet all contribute to generating high levels of free radicals in our body.

Free radicals are molecules that have an un-paired electron in their outer ring. We generate them naturally in our bodies via the process of oxidation ie. where we take in oxygen which our body then uses directly and converts into other substances to help feed our brain and body.

A free radical is an unstable piece of matter that is searching for an extra electron to make it stable. If it manages to 'steal' that odd electron from another piece of matter then that matter is then unstable and it then searches for an electron to make up its number. This chain reaction can be damaging to human tissue and this is what we mean when we refer to damaging free radicals in the context of skin damage.

The body has a defense system in the form of antioxidants. These are molecules which interact with free radicals in a safe manner, terminating the chain reaction they cause before the molecular structure of human tissue becomes damaged.

Some general tips to help reduce the inflammatory causes of acne in adults by reducing the effects of free radicals:

  • There are many acne skin care products and diets which aim to reduce acne by targeting the free radicals in our body by taking on extra antioxidants. Aim to eat oily fish, fresh vegetables and fruit, flaxseeds, nuts and yogurt to help feed your bodies source of antioxidants
  • If you are going to take supplements then concentrate your efforts on A, B, C and E, zinc, selenium and Omega-3 fatty acids. These all play a part in supporting the bodies natural mechanism for coping with free radicals
  • Try and keep sun exposure to moderate levels as UV radiation from the sun can stimulate the production of free radicals
  • along with sun protection, its a good idea to use a face cream that contains antioxidants
  • Another positive effect of ensuring you supply your body with enough antioxidants is that they convert the naturally occurring amino acid tryptophan into the brain boosting serotonin which has the effect of making you feel happier
  • Inflammation, skin irritation and/or scratching of any sort will flair inflammation. Anti-inflammatories are known to have a positive affect on acne
  • hormonal manipulation - you should seek medical advice to find out more about this option. The commonly combined oestrogen/progestogen methods of hormonal contraception have seen some positive effects. The antiandrogen, Cyproterone (Diane-35), in combination with an oestrogen is also particularly effective at reducing androgenic hormone levels. Diane-35 is not available in the USA, but a newer oral contraceptive containing the progestin drospirenone is now available with fewer side effects than Diane 35 / Dianette. Both can be used where blood tests show abnormally high levels of androgens, but have been shown to be effective even when this is not the case

Read more information aimed at how to get rid of acne at the Skin Care Products Guide

Daily Acne Care

When you have acne, you want it to go away, but it doesn't always cooperate. Still, that doesn't mean that you should give up on it. You have to take care of it each and every day to help control breakouts and minimize how much acne you actually have. Just because it's not all gone doesn't mean it wouldn't be worse if you didn't take better care of your skin. Daily care of your acne is very important, but it's not just that you take care of it every day, it's how you take care of it every day - sometimes that can actually be more significant. For example, if you just wash your face once with water and any old soap that you can buy, you aren't doing your acne any favors.

You need to use a cleanser that's specifically targeted for acne and that is also designed for your skin type. Most people who have acne have oily skin, but that's not always the case. Others have dry skin, and for some reason their pores just get blocked really easily or they have other problems that cause their skin to break out. If you're one of these people you don't want to use something that's going to dry your skin out any more than it already is, and most standard acne medications dry the skin.

You'll also need to think about a moisturizer. It might seem contradictory to wash all of the oil off of your face and then put a moisturizer on it, but these two things aren't the same. There are many moisturizers which are not greasy and that don't clog pores. These are the kinds that you should look for, since they will be the best for your skin and help to keep your acne at bay. If you can't find a moisturizer that addresses this problem or aren't sure, the pharmacist at your local drug store can probably help you out.

He or she can usually help you with other acne products and medications, as well. You should also try to keep your skin very clean, use hypoallergenic makeup - and wash it off before you go to bed each night - and be sure to keep your hair back off of your face as much as possible. The oils from your hair touching your face all day can cause acne, too, but most people don't think about that being a problem.

Jac Needham is one of the exclusive writers in the Acne and Dry Skin sections of

5 Easy Quick Fix Treatments For Acne

Skin problems like acne and blemishes are much more embarrassing for adults as well as teenagers. Before getting into the treatment modes, it is important to know that there is no such thing as overnight quick-fixes for any skin problems. However, some simple quick-fix treatments, which enable partial treatments, can be found easily. Overnight blemishes cure is partially possible with these quick-fix methods. These things can be tried just days before going for a party or get-together.

1. First of all, it is important to keep the face clean. Regular face wash, along with some quick-fix treatments, ensures better skin treatment. Ice cube can be applied on the acne spot to provide a quick relief. Ice cubes have the ability to suppress the red lesions popping out of the skin.

2. Mild acne and blemishes can be easily fixed using some face wash cleansers rich in benzyl peroxide and salicylic acid. These chemicals can be used as a quick fix way to treat blemishes.

3. Applying a foundation, or concealer, can cover up the lesion area of the skin. Though it is not a better blemishes cure, it can easily cover up the acne area when we are heading up for a party.

4. Toothpaste is widely considered as an overnight treatment for blemishes and acne. It has the ability to reduce the redness of acne spots.

5. Tea bag dipped in lemon juice can be applied on the problem area to reduce swelling.

All the quick-fix methods can give only a partial solution for acne problems. These quick-fixes can be tried when you are in a hurry. Otherwise, it is always advisable to consider an effective blemishes cure in order to get a permanent relief.

For more information about BLEMISHES CURE and to start looking younger, visit this site immediately.

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Some Toxic Foods to Avoid When You Are Depressed

The toxic foods are foods that you're going to have to eliminate or eat only sparingly because they are slow-acting poisons, adversely affecting moods, energy levels, and overall sense of well-being. They also cause you to pack on pounds, especially if you're taking antidepressants. What's more, they can interfere with the beneficial effects of your antidepressants.

When you're on antidepressants, sugar is the thing you crave most. It's also the very thing that will rob you of your energy and sense of well-being. Eating foods high in sugar activates an energy-draining process. Let's say you have a bowl of Frosted Flakes or a fruit Danish for breakfast. This high-sugar meal will cause your body to overproduce the hormone insulin, which helps your cells use the high amount of sugar that has entered your bloodstream.

Repetitive high insulin levels reduce your body's ability to recognize the insulin; therefore, your cells can't use the sugar, so it is stored as fat. The insulin itself increases your hunger for carbohydrates-as well as your cortisol levels. You begin to crave a midmorning donut and/or coffee to give you some energy. Before you know it, you've gained weight. Even worse, you're too frequently tired all the time, feeling out of sorts, and always seeking food to give you more energy. You find yourself eating out of tiredness and anxiety, not real hunger.

Not everyone has such a negative response to sweets, but most antidepressants can leave you more susceptible by triggering intense carbohydrate cravings, which set you on the vicious insulin cycle. Paradoxically, the more you feed your cravings, the stronger the cravings will become. Scientists still haven't mapped out the exact mechanism for how antidepressants trigger sugar cravings. It probably has to do with the fact that these drugs affect the appetite centers in the hypothalamus, as well as their long-term effects on certain serotonin receptors.

My prescription for sugar: Elimination of sugar-filled foods from your diet is the only way to banish your cravings for good. After six weeks on the nutrition plan, limit your intake to one serving of dessert each week, and make sure you eat these foods with adequate amounts of protein.

If you're trying to lose fat or improve energy and mental clarity, you must avoid sugar-filled foods altogether. Also, check food labels for hidden sugars such as glucose, maltodextrin, corn syrup, cornstarch, and modified cornstarch. Foods that are sweetened with honey or fruit juice should also be banned. They can contain the same amount of sugar as or even more sugar than products that have the real thing.

Every time you have a cup of java or a Coke, the caffeine triggers a release of the hormone adrenaline, which, among other actions, signals the liver to release sugar into your bloodstream. You get a burst of instant energy from the sugar and adrenaline. But it lasts only two or three hours before you crash. That little energy boost can leave you feeling drained over the long haul. The result? You crave candy bars and cookies, the very foods you're supposed to avoid, to get more quick energy.

Caffeine is highly addictive, and it causes instabilities in your blood sugar, which raise your risk of obesity, diabetes, panic attacks, and even seizures (if you are prone to them). What's more, caffeine stays in your system for about two days, which means it can interfere with the quality of your sleep (which leaves you feeling tired, which causes you to crave caffeine and sugar, and so on). I've also found that some of my patients use caffeine as a substitute for exercise. They figure: Why do a workout if I can get a little boost of energy without the time and effort?

Jerry Jason, MD received his degree from the Columbia's Physician and Surgeons in 1995. He is well certified in psychiatry and has achieved advanced proficiency in the areas of chelation therapy from the American College For Advancement of Medicine (ACAM). Find out what depression can do to you by reading Jerry's daily updated blog here!

Top Ten Best Things to Say to Someone Who is Depressed

When someone we know or care about is depressed, it can be difficult to know what to say or do. Unless you've experienced a similar type of depression, it may be hard to relate to their situation. In addition, we're often uneasy to be in the presence of intense pain.

Should you try to lighten the mood somehow, pretend things aren't so bad for them, or provide advice? Probably not. The best things you can do as a friend is avoid making light of their experience, let go of trying to rescue them, and don't offer advice. Instead, just show them you care. Being present to their humanity, even while they suffer, demonstrates that they are worthy of your attention.

A depressed person may often want to be alone, but they don't necessarily want to be alone all of the time. Showing up, being present, and listening can let them know they haven't been abandoned. You probably won't be able to help the depressed person feel much better, but your caring attitude and a few heartfelt words of sincere acceptance can often help make their experience easier to handle.

1. Offer reassurance by saying, "I know you don't want to be feeling so miserable, but it's okay in my eyes that you are feeling this way."

2. I can't imagine how hard this is for you, but I can tell this is painful for you.

3. You may not feel like eating, but just in case, I bought a few groceries and cooked a few meals for you. I'll put the food in the fridge if you want it later.

4. It's good to see you. Do you want a hug?

5. I can tell you barely have enough energy to cope with the pain you are feeling. Do you mind if I take care of a few things for you? I'd like to change your kitty litter box and vacuum up some of their mess. I know you would do the same for me.

6. I don't need to be entertained. I'd like to just sit with you for awhile and read a book or watch television if that's okay?

7. I'm sorry you're in so much pain.

8. I brought you a sweater and some walking shoes. Care to come with me on a short walk into the woods. I'd like to share this great secluded spot by the creek where we can just sit for a little while.

9. I'm not sure what to say, but I want you to know that I care.

10. Would you like to go to a movie with me? I found three movies that might help take your mind off things for a little while.

When you're in doubt about what to say, think back to difficult times in your life. Remember what you most wanted from people, what was helpful, and what you wished them to do or say. Use your own experiences as a guide, trust your intuition, and just be a loving presence. Some things, like depression, can't be "fixed," but your love, light, and few kind words can ease your friend's pain.

You do not need to go through life exhausted, depressed, stressed, or overweight! Imagine waking up each morning with joy and positive energy that lasts throughout the day! Subscribe to our wonderful free weekly Loving Miracles newsletter at

How to deal with bad thought

Bad thoughts unfortunately are inevitable due to the very nature of the human condition. We all look back at events in our lives that bring up old memories and darker feelings. We also have a tendency to think the worst or go forward in time and imagine what could happen. So how do we suppress all this? We shouldn't. I know from personal experience both within myself and to loved ones around me that the suppression of bad thoughts simply does not work. There is a build up of pressure that will need to be released one way or the other. That is what lead to a major breakdown in my own life and in the life of someone I know dearly.

Thought itself is simply that. It is thought. Now this is where I will get controversial. Thought has absolutely no inherent power of itself. It is the intent and focus behind the thought that gives it the ability to effect us deeply. I can remember times in my past that were embarrassing. Looking back just after the event made me cringe. Now when I look back it is hysterical. The thought has not changed only my attitude to the thought. If I decided to focus on the humiliation aspect then I am infusing that thought with that particular attribute and thus it will bring out that response within me. However allowing the thought to be just that,a thought, allows it then to be a fleeting image as if I am just watching a cinema screen.

Now, dealing with heavy or traumatic thoughts is more difficult because we have attached more meaning to those thoughts. The emotional response I get from remembering an embarrassing moment compared to a severely traumatic moment is obviously different. Yet suppressing those thoughts gives them extra power by forcing them down into the back corridors of the mind where they fester and gain more power simply by not being released. I once had a psychiatrist who told me, during an intense recounting of an incident that happened to me, that he could see I was broken but basically do not worry and here is some medication. The thoughts were not dealt with and thus my condition became worse. Things improved as I released those thoughts by not attaching any power to them.

Now, I know what I am saying is purely a personal view. Yet it is based on what worked for me when I had no other option. I was given no external help and so I needed to deal quickly and efficiently with the trauma so that I could move on and no longer be bound by the past. My method for dealing with bad thoughts had three steps.

Step 1

I had an intense look at the past circumstances, acknowledging the intense anger that was contained within me and most importantly allowing myself to be angry and even hateful without guilt of any kind. This was vital for moving on because it acknowledged how I truly felt. All the talk of "let it go" or "get over it" was nonsense. I needed to acknowledge the hurt and in my minds eye I even imagined revenge scenarios to help release the build of anger. I would not necessarily recommend this approach however, it worked wonders for me.

Step 2

This next step involved withdrawing power that I had instilled within the thoughts back to myself. This process allowed me to then see that the people and events that had occurred no longer held any power over me and thus they became weaker as I became stronger. This reclaiming of my own personal power was another vital step. I need to be me again, free of the chains that I thought others had placed upon me and acknowledging that I was now in control and that they were nothing brought about an intense feeling of freedom. This then lead me to the next step.

Step 3

This final step was not possible without the other two, for this step involved forgiveness. Now when I talk of forgiveness I am not talking about simply "turning the other cheek" or "I forgive you for what you have done to me". No, forgiveness here was an extension of the previous step and involved an honest look at my part in the situation. What role did I play? In the long run have I benefited from the experience? I certainly found a lot out about myself and how much strength I have. I have also gained valuable insights that have helped others too. So all in all the experience was important to my growth as a human being. In fact I looked back on one of the incidents and was grateful that it occurred for the valuable lessons I had been taught and for the discoveries I had made about myself. That is when forgiveness starts to work and "turning the other cheek" becomes "turning the other mind" and thus looking at the situation with a completely new and fresh outlook.

So from anger to reclaiming power to forgives, this is how I dealt with those bad thoughts. It is a method I devised due to circumstance and a method I still use. Suppressing all of that would have been disastrous in the long run. I did not want to forget, I wanted to heal and healing is what I found.

John Hewitt is a full time freelance writer. He has worked in many fields including music, the restaurant industry, film work and as an RSPCA animal welfare officer. You can view his home page here.

Best cure for Depression

Finding the best cure for depression often can feel like looking for a needle in a haystack. There are so many choices, with so many different claims, that sometimes it is hard to separate truth from fiction. That said there seems to be one therapy that has a slight advantage over the others, and that is cognitive behavior therapy (CBT).

Cognitive behavior therapy takes the most effective elements from both behavior therapy and cognitive therapy and melds them into a treatment form that focuses on a person's behaviors, thoughts, and emotions and how they all influence each other, and contribute to overall mental health. The mental health concerns were this form of therapy seems to be at its best is in the quest to overcome depression and anxiety.

This so called "Best Cure for Depression" is a partnership between therapist and patient requiring the utmost cooperation. When treatment starts the therapist will ask many specific questions about your problem, such as how long you have been depressed, how long does it persist, and what seems to be the trigger sends you into despair. Once the major trigger has been identified your therapist will ask if you are willing to go along with his treatment plan and possibly present you with a contract to sign outlining the steps to be taken.

In many forms of therapy most of the work is done in office. For better or for worse this is not the case with cognitive behavior therapy. You will be required to keep tract of daily interactions along with the successes and failures of your CBT approach. This is different from other treatment methods that focus on the past and not the present, even though your therapist may touch on the origins of your depression he will always return to how the past is affecting your life right now.

How to beat depression is a question that millions of depressed people ask themselves each day. Certainly there are no easy answers but armed with the combination of living in the present and a series of new problems solving and coping methods, such as relaxation skills, communication skills, and social communication skills you will be well on your way to finding the key that frees you from depression forever.

In conclusion cognitive behavior therapy will help you delve into deeply rooted personal core beliefs, isolate your depression trigger/triggers, learn to live in the present, and provide you with valuable coping and problem solving skills.

Additionally, many people are finding that the best cure for depression comes in packages of two. No not prescription medications but the combination of cognitive behavior therapy and herbal remedies for depression. Herbal remedies are a safe and affordable compliment to an already effective form of treatment. Also, the rate of relapse is much lower with CBT and herbal remedies as compared to prescription medications. It is important to recognize that there are answers for depressed people but taking action may be the hardest part on the road of how to beat depression.

R.D. Hawkins is an enthusiastic advocate of alternative natural health products and supplements with over 10 years experience. To learn more about natural remedies for better health visit Purchase


Let me ask you a few questions. Do you know what the early signs of depression are? Can you tell if someone you know is depressed or not by watching him closely? Better yet, can you tell if you are depressed or not by observing yourself carefully?

Nine out of ten times, people say 'no' to these questions. They simply have no idea what depression is and what it can do to their life. If you are one of them, please make sure you read this article fully.

Depression is a mental disorder which affects millions of people around the world every year. Statistics show that nearly 4% of depressed people tend to commit suicide. This does not mean that depression is a fatal disease. It is a mental disorder which can be treated reasonably easily when diagnosed at the right time.

The problem, however, is that most people are not aware of depression signs and they do not know if they are actually depressed or not. Hence, there is usually a significant delay in getting professional help. Below is a list of the most common symptoms of clinical depression.

The most common signs of depression can be divided into two types - physical signs and mental signs.

Physical signs

• Considerable weight loss or weight gain
• Insomnia (finding it difficult to sleep) or hypersomnia (sleeping too much)
• Irritability
• Fatigue
• Reduced sex drive
• Loss of appetite or overeating
• Persistent headaches, stomachaches, joint pains, and cramps despite taking medications
• Reduced energy level

Mental signs

• Finding it difficult to concentrate on anything
• Lack of clarity in thoughts
• Tendency to dissociate from the crowd and be alone
• Pessimistic attitude
• Feelings of self guilt and helplessness
• Feeling sad or empty all the time
• Suicidal tendencies

If you suspect that you have these depression signs, get in touch with a physician immediately. He will be able to assess you properly and find out if you are actually depressed . Once he confirms that you are indeed suffering from clinical depression, here's what you need to do.

1. First of all, do not panic. It is hard to remain calm and composed when you are depressed, but all you need to remember is that depression is not some kind of incurable disease. It is a disorder and can be treated easily.

2. Physicians usually suggest antidepressants to treat the signs of depression. While antidepressants are certainly effective, they cause a lot of side effects. In fact, a lot of people stop taking these medications because of these side effects. So, you can try natural medications which are highly potent and at the same time very safe.

3. Even though some of the depression signs are physical, it is actually a mental disorder. It is all in your mind. So, psychotherapy plays a very important role in treating it.

4. Your role is just as important as the doctor's role in treating clinical depression. You need to make some changes in your lifestyle and strive to change your outlook towards life.

You should eat well, exercise regularly, and take your medications regularly. Whenever you feel dejected, go out and meet your friends to divert your mind. You can also join help groups and prayer groups to meet likeminded people.

I hope the article cleared some of your doubts about the signs of depression. Once you understand the nature of a problem, it becomes easier to treat it. So, keep these things in mind, take the right kind of medications, get over depression, and live a long, happy life.

Article written by Norman Holden who is a passionate advocate of natural health and a researcher of depression alternative treatments.