Saturday, August 8, 2009

oes Hypertension Cause Erectile Dysfunction? All the Facts You Need to Know

Well the answer is, yes it is a possibility as discussed below.

High blood pressure affects the flow of sufficient blood in the penis which is needed for erection. Whatever blood does flow is not enough to maintain erection.

Men with high pressure levels over a period of time produce insufficient amount of nitric oxide which is necessary for smooth functioning of the blood vessels. This low level of nitric oxide especially in the penis prevents it from relaxing and it may lead to erectile dysfunction.

Some hypertension medications such as diuretics and beta blockers are known to cause this dysfunction.

If you suspect medicines as one of the reasons for erectile dysfunction then it is advised you consult your medical practitioner to switch medicines and try various combination which is best suited for you.

Unfortunately hypertension will not go away on its own. It has to be treated and taken care that it does not reach dangerous levels which can cause you even more serious problems.

At the same time when you realize that some drugs for high blood pressure do cause erectile dysfunction or impotence, it is highly recommended that you opt for other ways for lowering your pressure levels.

Some ways by which you can do this is by constantly monitoring your pressure readings, make some lifestyle and dietary changes. You can eat more healthy food and minimize eating oily fatty food. Eat less salt in your food, do some regular exercise, avoid stress etc.

Fact is erectile dysfunction and hypertension are related. So you must act now and take steps to lower your high blood pressure which will help you in overcoming erectile dysfunction.

Learn how you actually lower your high blood pressure without harmful drugs using a complete natural treatment system, click here to visit Natural Ways To Lower Blood Pressure. By Shwetha Nathan

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