Saturday, August 8, 2009

Best cure for Depression

Finding the best cure for depression often can feel like looking for a needle in a haystack. There are so many choices, with so many different claims, that sometimes it is hard to separate truth from fiction. That said there seems to be one therapy that has a slight advantage over the others, and that is cognitive behavior therapy (CBT).

Cognitive behavior therapy takes the most effective elements from both behavior therapy and cognitive therapy and melds them into a treatment form that focuses on a person's behaviors, thoughts, and emotions and how they all influence each other, and contribute to overall mental health. The mental health concerns were this form of therapy seems to be at its best is in the quest to overcome depression and anxiety.

This so called "Best Cure for Depression" is a partnership between therapist and patient requiring the utmost cooperation. When treatment starts the therapist will ask many specific questions about your problem, such as how long you have been depressed, how long does it persist, and what seems to be the trigger sends you into despair. Once the major trigger has been identified your therapist will ask if you are willing to go along with his treatment plan and possibly present you with a contract to sign outlining the steps to be taken.

In many forms of therapy most of the work is done in office. For better or for worse this is not the case with cognitive behavior therapy. You will be required to keep tract of daily interactions along with the successes and failures of your CBT approach. This is different from other treatment methods that focus on the past and not the present, even though your therapist may touch on the origins of your depression he will always return to how the past is affecting your life right now.

How to beat depression is a question that millions of depressed people ask themselves each day. Certainly there are no easy answers but armed with the combination of living in the present and a series of new problems solving and coping methods, such as relaxation skills, communication skills, and social communication skills you will be well on your way to finding the key that frees you from depression forever.

In conclusion cognitive behavior therapy will help you delve into deeply rooted personal core beliefs, isolate your depression trigger/triggers, learn to live in the present, and provide you with valuable coping and problem solving skills.

Additionally, many people are finding that the best cure for depression comes in packages of two. No not prescription medications but the combination of cognitive behavior therapy and herbal remedies for depression. Herbal remedies are a safe and affordable compliment to an already effective form of treatment. Also, the rate of relapse is much lower with CBT and herbal remedies as compared to prescription medications. It is important to recognize that there are answers for depressed people but taking action may be the hardest part on the road of how to beat depression.

R.D. Hawkins is an enthusiastic advocate of alternative natural health products and supplements with over 10 years experience. To learn more about natural remedies for better health visit Purchase

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