Saturday, August 8, 2009

Natural Ways to Lower Blood Pressure - Safe and Simple

Do you suffer from hypertension? If so, you may be glad to know there are natural ways to lower blood pressure that don't involve risky prescription drugs. So many people just go to the doctor for their problems, get a prescription, fill it and go on with life. Do you realize what these drugs are made of, and what they can do to your body?

Often, drugs that the doctor prescribes are made of synthetic materials. Why would anyone want these materials in their body? These drugs do not treat the underlying cause of your hypertension, they simply mask the symptoms. There are many natural ways to lower high blood pressure that DO treat the cause of the problem, and also improve your overall health. This can essentially add years to your life!

Most people with hypertension know that they should cut back on salt intake and reduce processed and fatty foods. What you may not know is that there are many foods, relaxation techniques and other things you can do that will lower your numbers dramatically. In fact, you can quickly bring your blood pressure down to a normal level in just a few weeks, without the dangers of prescription drugs!

Here are a few natural ways to lower blood pressure that will give you an idea of just how easy it really is:

1. Add foods that are high in potassium and magnesium to your diet. Bananas are a super food!

2. Practice reducing stress. Stress can cause a whole host of health problems, including high blood pressure. If you can, eliminate the source of your stress. If that isn't possible, deep breathing exercises and yoga are known to bring stress levels down.

3. Exercise more often. You really don't have to work out excessively - just walk or practice pilates for 15 to 20 minutes 3 or 4 times per week.

4. Stop smoking! If all of the other diseases smoking causes isn't enough, stop for the sake of your blood pressure. You truly don't want to have a heart attack or stroke way before your time.

These are just a few steps you can take to control your hypertension. There are hundreds of other things you can do. Natural herbal supplements can be effective in some circumstances. Special concoctions can be made right in your own kitchen that have a powerful reducing effect!

If you have hypertension and don't want to risk your health to the side effects that prescription drugs can cause, consider using natural methods. Not only can you improve other conditions like high cholesterol and diabetes, you will feel better than you ever have and add years to your life! Learn more about the natural ways you can lower your blood pressure, and start improving your health NOW.

By Teresa Tackett

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